CéDé eggfood for british finches

CéDé eggfood for british finches

  • besides the unique CéDé egg grain, CéDé eggfood British finches also contains dried insects so as to meet the increased need for animal proteins during breeding


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CéDé eggfood for british finches
Besides the unique CéDé egg grain, CéDé eggfood British finches also contains dried insects so... more
Product information "CéDé eggfood for british finches"

Besides the unique CéDé egg grain, CéDé eggfood British finches also contains dried insects so as to meet the increased need for animal proteins during breeding. The natural carotenoids (beta carotene) in the eggfood British finches stimulate the colour of the plumage. All the necessary vitamins and minerals are present in the correct proportion.

Gewicht: 1 kg
Material: CéDé