Junior Toilet

  • lower entrance (6 cm)
  • durable and easy to clean
  • recommended for puppies, kitten and older cats



Order number
72150 steinblau 56 x 39 x 13 cm
This open cat litter box is ideal for kittens, older cats and cats with joint problems. It has a... more
Product information "Junior Toilet"

This open cat litter box is ideal for kittens, older cats and cats with joint problems. It has a low entry, making it easier for less mobile cats to get in and out. This open box is also ideal for toilet training puppies, as a toilet for small, old dogs or dogs with limited mobility, and for small dogs that can’t go outside. If used for dogs, always use special dog litter.

Größe: 56 x 39 x 13 cm
Farbe: steinblau
Material: Katzentoiletten & Zubehör